2 Bourke Street, Woolloomooloo NSW 2011

Christmas Cracker Time!
It's now become a bit of a tradition for me to buy some Christmas Crackers for the work Christmas lunch get together and unfortunately the cracker jokes don't seem to get any better this year but always provide an innocent chuckle. We noticed on the specials menu a tight-ass tuesday which would have been good if we'd planned to come the day before to save a few bob. I'm feeling adventuress so have ordered the Seafood Platter, which basically means I'll be getting more than my fair share of the 'yellow and deep fried' food group. All washed down with a refreshing James Squire Golden Ale which is also part of the yellow food group. I would have liked a bit more salad on the side and forgo one of slim battered fish fillets which was more batter than fish. I didn't mind the chips and prawns although couldn't really finish the salt and pepper squid — I reached my limit of yellow.
Wishing all my readers
a very Merry Christmas and
a safe a happy holiday time :-)

Seafood platter of Salt and Pepper Squid, Battered Fish Fillets, Crumbed Prawns, Chips and salad $25
Christmas crackers and jokes
Creatively sporting a Christmas tree key ring earring — silly season has arrived!

Oh well, if you can't indulge in the beige food group at Christmas, when can you? Thanks for a great year of photos and posts, I've discovered some places that I didn't even know existed, have a great Christmas and New Year!
I second that! Love the places you find! Have a great Christmas and fantastic 2010. Keep those posts coming!
merry christmas simon! hope you have an awesome day!
Merry Christmas Simon! Apparently British scientists have discovered the ultimate guaranteed formula to win all cracker contests - your secret weapon for next year?
merry christmas simon! :)
Merry Christams Simon! The food looks good :)
hi yaya, hehe so right. thanks for following my blog throughout the year. glad you've discovered a few new places to check out. have a great xmas and new year too!
hi joey, hope your new year is full of yummy exciting food. i've got around 50 back logged posts i want to finish before NYE so stay tuned for plenty more :-)
hi chocolatesuze, hope you have a fantastic and yummy xmas and new year too
hi forager, merry xmas to you too! you'll have to send me the details of the cracker secret weapon — i keep losing.
hi ladyironchef, merry xmas to you too. looking forward to following your posts in the new year!
hi ellie, have a great xmas and holiday season. loving your yummy posts at the moment :-)
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