25-27 South Steyne, Manly NSW 2095

Free ice cream day!!!
Time: 1 - 8 pm
Date: Tuesday, 20 April 2010
Cost: Free
This will be one of those times when I wish I lived closer to Manly. Looks like Ben & Jerry's is having their annual Free Cone Day on Tuesday 20 April with 18 flavours to choose from. It sounds like you can have as many as you like but I'm assuming you'll have to line up each time. I've yet to try this brand of ice cream but have heard it's pretty yummy — I'd love to try all the flavours, especially if they're for free.
I'm putting a food challenge out there to see who can successfully try all 18 flavours on the day for free.
CONS: Only available on the day in Manly, Could add to your waistline
MUST TRY: All flavours
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OH MI GADDD!! i missed out on their opening day but i guess ill miss this one too :( tuesday = workday *sigh*
OMG! I LOVE ice cream and although I'm on the North Shore I too have to give it a miss. Conveniently (?) I have dentist on that day as well, I wonder what they'd say if I told them I had 18 cones of ice cream for lunch... Their ice cream is sooo yummy though!
That's it, I'm going!!! I live next door so I really have no excuse not to go!! I can't promise I'll be able to sample the 18 flavours, though. Men, you should have seen the queues last tim Ben & Jerry had an "ice-cream for all" day. Sheer madness...
Oops, meant to write "last time", not last tim - so much for typing with an iPhone on the ferry ;-)
Sounds like you need to participate in this challenge ;)
ahh!! why is it on a tuesday?? :( i wish it was on a weekend..
Mmm Ben and Jerry's
You should try their icecream, its soo good. It's really rich though - probably why I like it so much.
Their chocolate fudge brownie is heavenly.
When they recently opened in Sydney they went to select floors in our building and delivered 2 x 5 litre boxes of choc fudge brownie to our office. Even with about 100 people it took us several months to finish!
Dammit - on a work day? Boo.
I would've took up the 18 flavour challenge :)
Hey Kids :)
Dont panic!! Its on until 8pm so you can all come after work :)
Woody x
I have been so busy that I haven't been able to go to since its opened. Have a committed a sin?? I went there once but because the dinner was served late during a dinner party at a friend's house, we were also late for dessert :( Have to make the time to go. What's the best flavor? I normally like Neapolitan style AKA Mix Flavor :) a bit of everything.... any suggestion??
hi sugarpuffi, i missed out on the opening too because i didn't know about it and will have to miss out on this too because i won't be available that night :-(
hi maria, that's a shame you have a dentist appointment. i'll have to try the ice cream one day. they sound wicked.
hi myriam, you definitely have no excuses if you live so close. i'd suggest you get there early and go with some friends. all get a different flavour and share with some spoons. that way you get to try more to work out which flavour you like the best.
hi lorraine, i wish i could be there but already have plans. hopefully i'll be available for the next years one and might even take the day off work to work on the challenge.
hi nomnomnibblies, i think it's tuesday because it'll probably be a lot less busy than if it was the weekend :-) but maybe it's on the same date every year? not sure.
hi kristy, i'll keep chocolate fudge brownie in mind if i visit one day. i think that's one i would have picked myself :-)
hi yaya, it sure sounds like really rich ice cream. hope to try one day. maybe i should combine with a spit bridge to manly walk to work it off :-)
hi elaine, i know! damn those work days! ;-) glad to hear you would have tried the 18 flavour challenge. you make me proud!
hi rebekah, i know but i reckon by then it's going to be soooo crowded. i reckon mid afternoon would be the least busy after lunch and before everyone comes back from work.
hi aliza, i've committed the same sin too then ;-) i haven't been yet so don't know which one would be the best flavour so i recommend trying them all or at least ask for a few taste samples so you can decide from that.
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