Does the perfect man exist?
It looks like Fabio might have some fierce competition from the latest Perfect Italiano ads I've been noticing on TV during MasterChef — due to the fact they are a sponsor. They crack me up! I think they're quite clever and wonder if women actually find them funny as well. It actually reminds me a bit of those innocent Porn for Women postcards. The meals look pretty good as well :-)
Listening Face Ad
Perfect Ad

Example of Porn for Women postcard
Haha, this ad cracks me up. "When I'm not listening, I practice my listening face" :D
This then, begs the question; are you looking, Simon? Hah!
I'm a woman, and I think these ads are *hilarious*. They're similar to that Old Spice ad with the guy on a horse (see youtube) - it's brilliant, too :D
What have I been missing? Thanks to IQ and a delayed watching of MasterChef, I fast forward through the ads, will have to watch one.
I laughed so hard the other day when I tried imitating the guy "Sometimes when I cook, I weep" LMAO
Some of those postcards on the Porn for Women site are pretty funny too. But nothing beats "the listening face"
hi foodwink, HEHE best line! :-)
hi gobsmack'd, just checking out the competition mate. i need to practice my 'listening face' i think hehe
hi bel, is this the ad http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owGykVbfgUE i've never seen before but it's funny hehe
hi sara, you've got to check them out. very funny!
hi phuoc, you've got such a phuoc'n great name hehe yeah that's a great line. you know sometimes i weep as well when i cook but i think it's because of the onions ;-) can't beat the listening face. i'm practicing it right now! :-)
These are the best ads on TV at the moment ...my 9 year old daughter and I crack up and try and impersonate the guy when he is practicing his listening face and we love the slight hand movement when he says "Sometimes when I cook, I weep".
Keep up the good work ...its perfect!
hi fifi and chloe, it's quite funny how we don't get sick of watching these ads. i think it's because they are made so well. i'm sure they'll get an advertising award of some sort for them. i hope they make some more great ads in the future. it certainly made me thinking of the brand when i was shopping for cheese the other day.
LOL! these are the best adverts! Especially the new one "ugly little gherkin"!!
hi chloe, ugly little gherkin? gee haven't heard or seen that one but sounds pretty funny :-)
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