Cnr Albert and Phillip Streets, Circular Quay, Sydney NSW 2000

For the true adventure seeker
“We hold what we like to think are proper adventures, the sort where you have to use your own cunning; no guides, no rules, no back-up or support” — The Adventurists
Thanks for Steve Stammers from Weber Shandwick for inviting me as guest to this special afternoon tea event ($20) with adventurer Jon Muir — not to be confused with John Muir the Scottish-born naturalist of 1838 who looks uncannily very similar. To be honest I wasn't that familiar with his achievements to date but soon found out he achieved the first Sherpa-less South ascent of Everest, pioneered a new route to the South Pole and was the first to walk solo and unsupported across Australia — a true Ambassador of Adventure. He was an engaging and passionate speaker, even though he considers himself more of a recluse, bringing sincere laughter from the audience with his down-to-earth insights of stories about encounters with polar bears, taking a leak and having a smoke at the top of Everest and managing to escape from falling through ice covered freezing water like a walrus out of a David Attenborough documentary. After the entertaining speech it was time for some crustless sandwiches and large pieces of cakes to be washed down with generous takings of Hendrick's Gin. I'm sure any adventurer would be nicely rewarded to have this at the end of their journey. If you're wanting something different to challenge your mindset then perhaps check out The Adventurists which is an organisation wanting to save the world by making all their adventures raise funds for charity. They've apparently already donated AUD $4.6 million.
Other Hendrick's Gin events:
• 12 Nov 2011 - The Adventurists' Afternoon Tea with Jon Muir
• 25 June 2011 - Refined Courtship Clinic
PROS: For those seeking an extreme adventure challenge, Raises money for charity
CONS: I prefer my creature comforts although after a few G&Ts I could be tempted to be more adventurous
MUST TRY: Watching the videos of The Adventurists adventures
Afternoon tea with gin — what more could you ask for?
T2 tea time — I tried Sydney Breakfast and Mint Mix
Pretty much a full house
The face of travelling through very cold climates
Eating the rotting meat of a 10 day old carcass — I'm not even sure if Bear Grylls would eat this.
Travel buddies
At home with the chooks and living a pretty sustainable life off the land — except for chocolate.
The Henrick's Gin bar is now open for your drinking pleasure
Made with infusions of cucumber and rose
G&T — yes please!
Cakes and sandwiches — an adventurer does need their sugar.
Jon Muir book signing of Alone across Australia
Balcony afters with a G&T
Even real men need to use their pinkys sometimes
Rubbing shoulders with Jon Muir — a living legend of adventure.
Balcony and photographer
I do love a toilet with privacy screens — tick of approval!
I though Jon's talk was pretty inspirational. A truly great Australian and I'd never heard of him. I expect many Aussies are the same...
Simon thanks for inviting me to be your plus one for the night.
hi richard, glad you could make it and found it worthwhile. Henrick's Gin is certainly an easy one to drink.
Aaw their explorer outfits are so cute! Looks like you all had such a great time.
What a great sounding event.
hi vivian, was a great theme. i reckon it would have been a hoot if everyone dressed up like that.
hi ayden, hope they do more like this in the future.
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