11 October 2012

Cloudy Bay Pop Up Lounge Launch, Bennelong Point (3 Oct 2012)

Opera Kitchen, Lower Concourse Level, Sydney Opera House, Bennelong Point, Sydney NSW 2000

Views ahoy with Cloudy Bay

Thanks to Fiona Milliken from This Is Mango for inviting me to the launch of the Cloudy Bay Pop Up Lounge in conjunction with Opera Kitchen which will run each Thursday from 4 October til 1 November 2012, 11 am til 11 pm daily. On a perfect weather evening rock oysters from Merimbula were freshly shucked by Patrick Ma while Cloudy Bay kept the 2012 Sauvignon Blanc flowing. A great vantage point for view of the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Sydney Opera House. During the pop up lounge fish and chips with a glass of Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2012 will be available for $29. With a glass of wine on the menu worth $14 that means you're only paying $15 for your fish and chips which seems like pretty good value considering the view.

PROS: Great water views of the harbour, Apparently free oysters will be served between 5.30 and 6.30 pm, Enjoyable wine with oysters or fish and chips
CONS: Weather permitting, Don't get too close to the waters edge after a few drinks
MUST TRY: Arriving at 5.30 pm to try the free oysters

Cloudy Bay Pelorus Brut

Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2012

Cloudy Bay Pinot Noir 2010

Merimbula Sydney Rock Oysters freshly shucked

Patrick Ma shucking oysters

Fish and chips event canape

Only got one chip thought :-(

Sushi event canape

Salmon event canape

Mini wagyu burgers

Nice candle lighting

City views

Comfy cushions

Speech time — great backdrop

Drew Lambert (Wine Writer), Nikki Goldstein, Josh Horner

Les Hill (left)

Max Markson, Kanchi Williams, Simon McGorman, Simone Drewry

Chef Gérald Touchard (centre) 

Opera Kitchen service team. Event seemed to run very smoothly — well done!

Louis London band were great

Official photographers in action

Goodie bag — one for the fridge

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excusemewaiter said...

Wow! Stunning views and fantastic wines, as well as free oysters? Completely sold on this idea, will have to check it out.

sydneycool said...

Cloudy Bay - a perfect NZ wine in a spectacular location

Chompchomp said...

I love the concept of pop up restaurants...this really needs to take off over here in Perth. Slowly but surely lol!

Unknown said...

Love pop up restaurants as well - the novelty makes the night much more fun. Wish there were more around Sydney

Simon Leong said...

hi excusemewaiter, i believe they might even have some wine tastings around the 5.30-6.30 pm mark too. i hope to check it out again if i have time for those free oysters.

hi sydneycool, hope the weather stays good too

hi chompchomp, i'm sure you'll get your fair share over in Perth soon enough

hi food is our religion, the summer months tends to make it better weather for outdoor pop up events. let's hope more to come.

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