Jam full of taste
When I work colleague offered a big jar of homemade fig jam to the office I was the first one to put my hand up to accept it. Being such a big jar I could only think of somehow sharing it. At first I thought scones would be excellent but it ended up being a pack of 20 mini croissants from Woolworths with some canned whipped cream. This became the office afternoon tea break and worked a treat. Still heaps of jam left and looking forward to finishing if off. I take my hat off to anyone that can make their own jam from scratch.
Here's a couple of food blog recipes:
A croissant and cream, now that is decadent!!!
Do you dunk your croissant in coffee? The French get so much right about food, but that is one thing I will never understand.
Me too :)
If I made my own jam I would have more of the finish product splattered all over my shirt and hair than in the pot!
I love homemade jam! well other people's homemade jam anyway, I've only ever made jam once in highschool haha
Mmmm fig jam.
Richard are you mad? Croissants dipped in coffee is sooo good!
Homemade jams are soooo good! One day... one day I will proudly make my own jar. =D
Croissants dipped into coffee. Omgosh! That's how I grew up eating them! And my parents owned a bakery... probably explains why I am so chubby haha =D Havn't had it in a loooong time.
Yum I love making my own jam! Fig and almond looks great combo.. esp with the delicate croissant n cream..
hi richard, i don't think i've ever seen someone dip their croissant in their coffee but i'd do it.
hi amy, i still don't mind buying my jam unless of course i had a huge fig tree then i'd probably try and make it myself
hi missklicious, homemade jam always seems to taste better doesn't it
hi john, i'd vote for croissants dipped in coffee :-)
hi angie, one day for me too. i love to make a mixed berry one but only if i went to a farm and got them really cheap.
hi sarah, that's great you can make your own jam. one day i may challenge myself. if you want to share your jam making day i'll blog it :-)
You can always put jam in a pre-baked tart shell ;).
I love my fig jam. Although I admitted I did give away half of it. :)
hi anh, i would imagine if you're making fig jam you'd be making a lot of it because those fig trees are huge and bare a lot of fruit don't they. be sure to think of me if you're giving away heaps :-)
OMG, this look soooo mouthwatering!
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