Corner of Parkes and Hamilton Ave, Sydney NSW 2000
Food Bloggers in the park
Congratulations to Chocolatesuze and Grab Your Fork for organising the biggest gathering of food bloggers so far for their annual Sydney Food Bloggers Christmas Picnic in Centennial Park. Apparently 67 turned up from about 100 RSVPs. Sunny weather made for a pleasant day of meeting fellow food bloggers in person and sharing an abundance of savoury and sweet goodies. My award for the cutest treat goes to Kat from Gucci & Gyoza for her Oreo turkeys (picture above). Last year I did a pop up bar which was very popular so I decided to do pop up another one. I'm more confident with making cocktails than cooking and some social lubricant always helps to make an event more festive. This year I made a vitamin C infused Stoli O Main Squeeze with Stoli Ohranj, the classic Hendrick's Gin & Tonic and a refreshing Frangelico Hazelnut Fresca which proved very popular. I'll definitely have to source a large table for the next time so I have a bit more room to move. Steph (Raspberri Cupcakes) and Karen (Citrus & Candy) did a lovely Pimms & Lemonade. I might possibly steal this drink idea for next time.
The $10 Kris Kringle was a lot of fun. Especially when you're allowed to steal someone else's gift that has already been opened. You had to make sure you remember what had already been opened in case you were keen to steal it off them when it was your turn to pick a present. I was 57 in turn and decide to go for an unopened gift. I ended up with a nice box of Lindt Mini Pralines which I was more than happy with and thankfully no one stole it from me. I look forward to the next picnic get together which will hopefully be blessed with good weather again. There's certainly no shortage of passionate food bloggers in Sydney and this event provides a perfect opportunity to come out from behind their screens and cameras and be proud of sharing their love of food.
PROS: You get to meet lots of other food bloggers and put faces to names, Fun atmosphere, Fresh air and sunshine, Get to sample lots of other peoples cooking
CONS: Weather dependent due to being outdoors, If you drive you won't be able to enjoy the SFF Pop Up Bar as much, Lots of people makes for a very long Kris Kringle
MUST TRY: Discovering new cocktails to make for the next picnic
Too cute |
I really enjoyed a piece of this Olive & Rosemary Schiaccita |
I had one of the egg Vietnamese rolls which was very good |
Food feasting |
SFF Pop Up Bar — next time I hope to have a bigger table |
Hazelnut Fresca: Frangelico and SKYY Vodka with ginger ale and lime juice
Hendrick's Gin & Tonic with slice of cucumber |
Stoli O Main Squeeze: Stoli Ohranj with Orange Juice and topped with Soda
Thanks to Daniela Penno from Polkadot PR for the Stoli, Kalli Marshall from Trish Nicol Agency for the Frangelico and Jack Pollock and Cida Wen from William Grant & Sons for the Hendrick's Gin. Coles ended up being pretty good on price for all the mixers. |
Pimms & lemonade by I believe Steph (Raspberri Cupcakes) and Karen (Citrus & Candy) |
Chocolatesuze enjoying her Frangelico cocktail with signature painted fingernails |
Kris Kringle time — spend limit was $10 |
These plates were very popular for stealing during the Kris Kringle |
I'm pretty happy with my Lindt Mini Pralines Kris Kringle |
Number 57 in turn for Kris Kringle |
Cursed Cookies was another popular steal choice amongst the Kris Kringle
I would have been very happy with a bucket of Maltesers |
Half food blogger, half DSLR |
Chocolatesuze and me getting photobombed |
We represent the red tshirt team |
That's me in the red tshirt in case you didn't notice ;-) |
There's always one clown not following the rules |
Take away packs of Christmas shortbread biscuits by Sara and Josh (Bellyrumbles) |
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BAHAHAHHAHAA omg that photo of me lol lol lol thanks heaps for the pop up bar simon!
So bummed we had to leave before the end of secret santa :(
The pop up bar was more amazing than last year Simon, three cocktails! Hope you enjoyed the cookies :)
Loving your pics, lovely roundup.
An awesome turnout, and KK was very entertaining! So. Much. Food. Thanks for your alcomohol!
I miss Sydney!
haha great shots :) my fav is the photobomb hehe. btw you make a great bar tender ;)
Great job Simon! Think your pop up bar was a hit. Sadly had to steer away as I was driving. Booo! Shame we couldn't have a proper chat but was still good to see you :)
Great shots as always and the pop-up bar is always a hit!
Great pics! Had a great time and nice to meet you!
Really nice meeting you in person, Simon! your pop up bar is so popular, indeed!
Your drinks were very refreshing, great idea to have the pop up bar again :)
Great photos and love your work with the SFF pop up bar :)
I agree, the Oreo turkeys rule! Bugger I missed your Frangelico cocktail :( That'll teach me not to miss another food blogger picnic.
loved your bar Simon, thanks. you made me laugh so much in KK 'food bloggers anonymous' :)
love your pop-up bars Simon! Shame I wasn't able to make it to try your drinks this time but they sound delicious!
hi suze, blogger in action shot hehe
hi sara, hopefully the pop up bar will just get bigger and better :-)
hi helen, no problemo about the alcohol
hi richard, sydney misses you too, time to come back :-)
hi vivian, i always love a good photo bomb
hi tina, next time hopefully you won't drive so you can have a few cocktails
hi jj, so glad the pop up bar went well.
hi ragingcravings, nice to meet you too
hi irene, very nice to meet you too and glad you enjoyed the pop up bar
hi excusemewaiter, i always try and make drinks that are easy to drink so good to hear you liked them.
hi christine, thanks and good to see you again
hi gaby, hopefully you'll get to come along to the next blogger picnic
hi muppy, great to hear you loved the bar. hopefully i'll do again next year.
hi jacq, hope to see you at the next one so you can try a few new cocktails. i always try and create ones that are easy to do at home in case you want to try making yourself.
I am a tad late but was lovely to see you again (and your awesome bar!). hehehee to the photo bombs!
hi food is our religion, great to see you too and glad you loved the pop up bar — hopefully again next year :-)
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