163 O'Riordan Street, Mascot NSW 2020


U are what u tweet
OMG, I've never seen so many people on their iphones twittering in one place. If I had an iphone I probably would be doing the same at this media140 Sydney event but I resorted to good old fashioned real people networking instead. Thanks to Bridget Davis aka The Internet Chef for inviting me along to see what this event was all about. She was supported by many sponsors including SBS Food, Wild Oats Wines, Brasserie Bread, Urban Food Market, Rocks Brewing Co, MorganWare, OneSmallPlanet and her legendary Media140 partner Mahei Foliaki from @iconic88. Apparently Kerry Dowling from OneSmallPlanet informs me that the average age for people using twitter is 39.1 years old — I never knew I was a prime statistic of Twitter. Also about 57% of users are female.
It was great to see so many familiar faces of the blogging community and to meet new people in person that I follow or follow me. I must admit I got a little bit side tracked taking photos around the wonderful professional kitchen and showroom so I actually didn't hear the speeches that clearly from the back of the room. I was concentrating more on trying all the food and photographing it instead — such a blogger trait. My favourite of the night was the salmon on an avocado tartar with crispy kale furikake. It had really nice flavours and the crispy kale furikake was very interesting. I thought this canape would have maybe been better served on a Chinese soup spoon so it could be eaten with one hand like the est Tartare of ocean trout. The Warm roast chicken finger sandwiches were very tasty although the very fresh bread made it a little awkward to hold without spillage so I thought if the bread was grill toasted a bit would have made it even better. The mini Wagyu burgers were juicy and tasty and slightly larger than the teppanyaki Wagyu penny burgers. The pastry on the TwittaPie duck confit pie was excellent and went very well with the flavoursome duck meat inside.
I've learnt that there sure seems to be a lot of people out there that use twitter for promotion, communicating and connecting with like minded people. Whether you love it or hate it seems to be here for now to either use or ignore although I still much prefer a good old face-to-face conversation with a person when given half the chance. At the end of the night everyone was generously given a freshly baked loaf of Sour Cherry bread from Brasserie Bread which was cooked in the ovens during the event. There's nothing quite like fresh bread and it went down very well with butter as a late night blogging snack.
Other blog reviews of the event:
• SBS Food
In the kitchen
"How did I get stuck with the job of pulling out these damn bones?"
Carmel Ruggeri helping to cut up the bread
Bridget prepping the first canape
Bridget on the big screen
Tim Elwin from Urban Food Market
Chef preparing the wagyu burgers
Getting ready to make the wagyu burgers
Taking a break from the food preparation
Seasoned fresh Australia salmon on an avocado tartar with crispy kale furikake served with Wild Oats Sauvignon Blanc 2009
Warm roast chicken finger sandwiches with a lime and tarragon fresh organic egg mayo with Wild Oats Chardonnay 2008
TwittaPie duck confit pie with a red wine reduction complimented by a Wild Oats Tempranillo 2008
Miniature Wagyu burgers with onion jam and a piquant cheddar with Wild Oats Shiraz 2007
Selection of Wild Oats Wines
Bridget Davis
Michael Shafran - Gosstronomy (left), Lorraine Elliott - Not Quite Nigella (centre), Franz Scheurer - @blues_junkie (right), Julie Posetti - MC (far right)
Christie - Fig & Cherry (left), Stephanie Wood - Deputy Editor The(sydney)magazine (centre), Reemski - I Am Obsessed With Food (right)
Baking in oven
Late night snacking on freshly baked Sour Cherry bread
Myriam from detours and me showing off the Brassiere Bread goodie bag. Thanks for taking the photo Nancy Georges
Mei Tan from Brasserie Bread serving up freshly cooked Sour Cherry Bread
Mahei Foliaki from @iconic88 and Bridget Davis
@iconic88 and me
Jen from Jenius and me
Johanna @johannaBD, Annalisa @transcribe
I can see at least 7 people twittering in this photo
Event poster
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Looks like you had a great time!:) How funny to see everyone twitting :D
Hi Simon, I know its rude to point out mistakes; but I shall do so under the pretext of saving you from being blacklisted by Brasserie Bread! Gobsmack'd
Nice report on a very fun night. I really enjoyed myself and loved the vibe and the food that Bridget cooked!
Hey Simon
Unfortunately I didn't get to meet u in person last night as I was glued to my iphone, my flip and my wine glass - but I did thoroughly enjoy the proceedings and I think you've really captured the content and the atmosphere of the event very well in your comprehensive post
You are the quickest blogger i have ever met! :) great photos/review and great night! lovely meeting you!
Great blog Simon, shall become an avid follower :) thanks for taking the time to come and meet Johanna and myself. Was a great night!
Hi Simon
It was great to see the food we were blogging about on your post. My favourite was the melt-in-your-mouth duck TwitterPie.
Thanks for coming up to introduce yourself last night - it was great to meet you.
Hey ya speedy!!
What excellent photos that captured the event so perfectly.
Was a fantastic evening.
You must have been up all night doing this post! Nice work, it was so much fun.
Awesome rundown! So quick. I wish there is one in Melb. Why are we missing out?
Great photos, Simon! It's nice to put faces to the twitter names we're following. And doesn't the BB sour cherry bread look good :P
Great post, Simon!!
Unfortunately, I didn't get to taste the salmon dish so thank God for your pics... I had a great night as well, good vibes and friendly crowd). Bridget's food was delicious (good point about toasted bread for the warm chicken sandwich, it was very tasty but a bit messy as well, I ended up having to like my fingers and... my palms).
Most importantly, it was great to catch up with friends from the blogosphere / twitterverse and finally meet one of my favourite bloggers (aka you) face to face ;-))
Great (and super fast) post Simon. Well done. Was a really enjoyable night and was great to finally put some faces to some names!
Great summary of the event, Simon! It was good catching up with you last night ;)
there was this guy that looked like you taking photos of the kitchen but i wasnt sure so i didnt come up and introduce myself. i have to admit i was one of those mad people twittering away on the iphone and stealing sour dough to nibble on :s. had to leave early so i missed out the wagyu burgers! glad you had fun at the event and hope to meet you one day, perhaps at suze's party?
Hi Simon,
This is a great blog!! Thanks so much to Annalisa for recommending it.
Looking forward to reading more.
hi maria, was quite funny seeing lots of people twittering next to each other rather than talking to each other hehe
hi gobsmack'd, you didn't seem to explain what the mistake was but i think it was spelling the mei name incorrectly?
hi lorraine, glad to hear you enjoyed yourself. was quite well attended i thought.
hi champagne jayne, that's a pity we didn't get to meet up. hopefully next time. i hope you twittering went well.
hi tim, was good meeting you again. i tried your bbqed lamb at Taste of Sydney with my brother on the saturday so i remember quickly talking to you about your products.
hi annalisa, thanks for the positive feedback and following. was good to meet you guys. i hope it was a successful night for you too.
hi johanna, those twitterpies would go done well at any party i think. was great to meet you too.
hi sara, was great bumping into you again. looking forward to your blog post. i'm sure you got some great photos too!
hi christie, i certainly was up for most of the night, blogging and eating that yummy sour cherry bread.
hi penny, perhaps in time there will be one in melbourne too but you guys had the blog conference so you should be happy with that too :-)
hi bel, was great meeting people in person. i think we have a nice community of like minded peoples. BB sour cherry was pretty good toasted with butter mmmm
hi myriam, i always try and photo all the dishes. the chicken sandwiches were falling apart for me because the bread was so fresh so i think it is was bbq toasted would of held together a lot better. it was fantastic meeting up with you too in person. be sure to keep me in mind if you want to invite me along to one of your chocolate tours to blog about it. i'm really glad you noticed me and approached me. i usually get into photographing mode and can't see anything else but food through the lens :-)
hi lisa, was great meeting up with you. i hope to revisit orange one day to visit a slice of orange and check out all the yummy products and produce.
hi jen, good to see you at the event too. hope you got some great pics for a great post.
hi sugarpuffi, that must have been me? i was all in black and if you see me going behind kitchens and taking macro shots of food then it's more than likely me. i tend to run around like a crazy man at special events like this. if you spot me next time be sure to say hi. hope to see you soon! i'll be at suze's party so probably then :-)
hi cackleberry kids (kylie), what a great blog name! i've got no idea what it means but it's cool. that's great to hear annalisa recommended me. i hope you enjoy reading future posts of mine. :-)
Simon, its 'brasserie' as opposed to your original 'brassiere' which is a female item of undergarment! PS Trivia for the day - the word brassiere seems french in origin, yet the french word for female undergarment is not brassiere. Gobsmack'd
OMG!!!! Eagle Eye Godsmack'd you are so right. I can't believe no one has picked this up hehe. it was even misspelt in all my other posts that mentioned brasserie. have corrected now. thanks heaps! :-) Even Brasserie Bread didn't pick it up.
Nice report on a very fun night. I really enjoyed myself and loved the vibe and the food that Bridget cooked!
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