The unpretentious classic burger
I'm not sure if you can call a shop 'Gourmet' when the one special dish of the day is Beef in Black Bean Sauce from the bain-marie although perhaps for the highly industrial area of Sydenham it might be acceptable. If you're sick of ridiculously sized burgers that give you a cardiac arrest from just looking at them and all you want is one of those childhood burgers that won't break the bank then I'd suggest joining the locals in the know and visit Sydenham Gourmet. I'm sure my Beef hamburger with the lot ($6.70) wouldn't pass sustainable environmental credentials, especially with its polystrene foam 'clamshell' packaging but it's cooked to order and just the right size with all the basics you'd expect although I can't quite remember seeing any egg. You can't argue with the reasonable price as you inhale the semi-trailer truck fumes passing by as you sit at one of two tacky tables outside and wonder if the shop has been sponsored by Coca-Cola with all its signage. The hot chips ($2.80 small) seemed to be a popular choice from the no-nonsense locals I watched pick up their lunch orders which were also cooked to order, albeit precooked a bit I'm suspecting and then finished off in the fryer.
PROS: Cheap and cheerful, Friendly service, More popular than you'd think by appearance, Retro chalkboard menus, Didn't get food poisoning afterwards — bonus!
CONS: Limited menu but has all the basics, Very limited seating right next to be a busy road, I don't expect them have a toilet available, It's in the middle of a very industrial area
MUST TRY: Hamburger with the lot at a cheap price, Hot chips next time for only $2.80
Polystrene foam 'clamshell' packaging which McDonalds used to use
Shop located next to dodgy looking lane in the middle of nowhere — it's gotta be good, right?
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I love the dodgy places where you can still get the simple burger, looks good. Lol, good to hear that you didn't get food poisoning.
Not sure if you realise but your reviews commonly make you appear as a pretentious jerk and it's only gotten worse the longer you've been blogging
hi dumpling girl, thank god for no food poisoning :-)
hi anonymous, gotta love the hate mail trolls and thanks for finding the time to read my blog ;-)
No pic of the chips? Drats. :-)
ммммм... http://www.laymark.com/i/m/m148.gif
Sydenham locals must really appreciate your glowing description of their suburb.
I love a good old style burger, has to have egg though and beetroot!
hi joey, unfortunately didn't order the chips this time around.
hi am-am, yum yum for sure.
hi Anonymous, if they're working in the industrial area i'm sure they'd be agreeing with me but i'm sure there's lovely houses in the residential areas. BTW you do realise the more you comment and visit the blog the higher my page view stats go up :-)
hi susan, it had the beetroot which is a must for me but it should have had the egg as well. maybe it did, i'll have to revisit to check :-)
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