Level 5, Cnr Pitt St Mall and Market St, Sydney NSW 2000

You are what you wear
If you love food and fashion then you'll probably love checking out Food is Fashion on display from 25 July until 15 August 2013 in Westfield Sydney. Nicole Cooper photographed well-dressed shoppers within the centre and then 17 images were picked and paired with dishes served within Westfield Sydney which were photographed by Tanya Zouev. I must say pretty good colour matching. The Reuben Sandwich from Reuben & Moore is pretty good and makes me want to have one for lunch now. The lamington from Jones the Grocer is also a great match and I actually spotted this cake in the display today. I now want to come back and try it for afternoon tea.
PROS: Free exhibition of food and fashion = win
CONS: The exhibition will make you hungry
MUST TRY: Returning to have a reuben sandwich and lamington
VERDICT: A clever photographic exhibition that's bound to tempt you to get one of the dishes on display

Great job reviewing this innovative event, love the idea of fashion and food, my two favourite things in the world :)
Choc Chip Uru
It's great that this event is free. I love Jones the Grocers (but only go there when I'm flush!) And Reuben sandwiches are never something I knock back xx
hi guru uru, a great combination that's for sure
hi hotly spiced, hope to check out that reuben sandwich for lunch soon
Now that's an interesting campaign. I haven't seen the advertisements anywhere else in Sydney actually but it's a good thing I read this blog - I would love to win a dining experience!
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