Sweet treats in Barangaroo
Passing by a Bourke Street Bakery is always a temptation. One of my favourite things is their Ginger Creme Brûlée Tart ($5.50). The one at Barangaroo seems to be stored in a cooler environment than the ones I've had at other locations which makes the filling a little bit firmer. Probably leaving at room temperature for a little while would make it even better. There's seating available inside and out. I chose outside being a nice day. Noticed the tables aren't wiped down as well as they should be. Crumbs are left. Also noticed a customer sitting down inside had to brush away left over crumbs before sitting down. Some better attention to detail is required I think. Upon leaving two large seagulls ascended on one of the outside tables where someone had left some of their pie. I think the seagulls are on to the food supply here which unfortunately will now be difficult to deter them from coming back. Service was pretty friendly and efficient but as mentioned before I think they need to be more conscious of keeping their tables cleaner and clearing them as soon as possible.
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