A fun day of blue food
Arriving late and with no time to bake or cook anything (still organising and packing for my USA trip on Monday 11 October) it was great to see so many food bloggers coming along for the days festivities. Blue was the theme and hats as well. It was great to see so many creative hats on display and I was keen to see the Lady Gaga hat which I saw being twitted earlier — unfortunately it didn't survive before I got there. I was thinking of making blue coloured white chocolate crackles with a blue smurf on top but time got the better of me. The blue cookie monsters were so cute — you can never had too many I say. For more details of the day check out A Table For Two.
The food

what a great event, everything looks fantastic! sorry couldn't be there
wow so quick!
I have a bad habit of appearing randomly in the background of your pictures!
Cookie monster is the theme today ? Soo cute !!! Looks like lots of fun and so glad that the rain has decided to take a break :)
Wow that was fast!
It was really lovely meeting you too =)
Great photos, it's making me hungry again!
The food was awesome, wasn't it?! :)
Don't think we got a chance to meet yesterday, Simon - d'oh!!!
wow you were only there for a short time but you took so many photos! awesome work!
What a fabulous day out it seems. Sorry that you guys didn't get the sunshine we did down in Melb, but it looks like you guys had heaps of fun nonetheless!
hi thang, hopefully see you at the next event. i nearly didn't make it myself. i still had to start packing my bags for the USA. i always leave these things to the last minute.
hi julie, there's nothing wrong with being randomly in the background — or perhaps it's on purpose hehe ;-)
hi monica, i really thought those clouds were about to pour but it stayed good. so lucky!
hi tambourine, great meeting you too. i wish i came earlier so i could have tried your dish.
hi ladybird, the food was fantastic. i don't think we met but i ended up trying your food i think. was lovely :-)
hi suze, there was so much to photograph i couldn't stop myself.
hi celeste, we didn't do too badly with the nice weather. actually probably worked out well being cloudy so the food photography was easier to get a good shot without being too bright :-)
The picnic looked so amazing! LOVED all the amazing cupcakes, feeling very hungry staring at these delicious sights at 10 in the morning.
Have fun in America Simon!
hi ally, thanks. hoping to find lots of tasty places in the USA without overdosing on High Fructose Corn Syrup :-)
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